Does this word has any significant meaning to us? For those who are successful in life and have a family, they might know just how much this word mean to them. Now we might not know the exact meaning of this word yet, later we'll understand the true meaning. Why? The answer is simple because we haven't experience that before; that's why we must be brave in certain situation in order that we'll be able to feel the special feeling that we are looking for. If we missed that opportunity, that feeling will go off. When the next time, we are in the similar situation, we won't be able to have that feeling that we longing for instead we might or might not have any feeling. Isn't that what we want? Things and humans do have some in common; that's it's unique in a sense that we can't have two things which are alike so do human. Once we lost something, that's it; we won't be able to have it back. And the biggest disappointment is yet to come. Surprised? Yea..., yea....... no doubt that's a slight possibility that we can have a similar thing to which we had lost but do remember that similar and the original has a vast difference. Are we still able to get back those sweet memories that we had? What would be your answer? I'm keen to know your answer............ 


About Me

Hey, I'm just an ordinary dude but with enthusiasm that could potentially leads me to new highs in life. I'm embarking on a journey which may help me to discover new things that could add to my life journey.