Don't we all agree that the word 'influence' play a role in our life? Without the presence of influence, will we be of what we are today? How can we deny that we aren't influence by our friends, surrounding or our own family members? The answer is pretty straight-forward, we choose not to admit that we are being influence by someone else because we don't want to be branded as a 'copy-cat' of what others are doing. But does all these really matters? Sometimes we shouldn't care what others has to say that could deter us from our aim to succed. However there are times where we just can't resists the pull of the crowd; this moment we had crumble under the influence of the surrounding and the next thing is that we don't know where our aim and goal lies. That's what we want? I'm sure that majority of us won't relish this type of life as the future is surrounded with uncertainties and question. Therefore in life, we should not make rash decisions and always have second thought before deciding our next move. Word "no" should be a common vocabulary in our life. "Why?" Humans won't really like to be decline but saying "no" in certain situations might just saved us...... from unforseen conditions. "Who know's?" Hence we must always be consious of our action and not just to please others. I'm sure that we won't want to regret at the end of the day saying "if I wish, I could just turned back the clock and start all over again" unfortunately we can't do so. "The pass will always be the pass" Why can't we practice to be more responsible in deciding what we want? Just paused a while, turned and looked around; then decide where to go. Like that we won't be in the wrong end of the situation. This might be the catalyst for us and our friends to move on towards achieving our respective ambitions. I won't conclude that we shouldn't follow what our friends said but always think before we decide......... "Future lies in our own hands; don't bust it!!!!"


About Me

Hey, I'm just an ordinary dude but with enthusiasm that could potentially leads me to new highs in life. I'm embarking on a journey which may help me to discover new things that could add to my life journey.