What's the synonym of the word "Pressure"? Suspected answers would be associate with work, studies, family, relationships and so on..... Do we exactly know the real meaning of this word? From Oxford dictionary, it sounds like this "the use of persuasion, influence,or intimidation to make someone to do something" from this point of view, it's clear that "pressure" shouldn't be the reason for all the bad and unforeseen incident that happens around us just because we are going through difficult times. Why must we blame others but not ourselves? Isn't it strange to blame that too much pressure cause me this and that? Failures always must be linked with pressure? I don't really agree!!! For a moment we should pause and think why we should allow pressure to get to our nerves? Can't we treat pressure and failure at equal terms? Why not?That's why we should always keep in mind that pressure mustn't be seen from the negative prospect but from the positive side. All of these are just theoretical but the most important point is how we practice it in life? Sometimes things aren't that complex but we choose to think from the other prospective; that's where we exert pressure on ourselves and others. Isn't it easy if we always keep things simple as it's and try to see things from different angles. I believe we would be much more happier and able to achieve greater heights. Studies and working is exactly the same; we must finish our assignment, know our facts well, right attitude and other qualities. The only differences are the method we apply and our aim. so what's the big fuss about studying? In fact we should be thankful that to God that we can study in peace rather than having the perception of people pressuring you to do something which is correct. Besides that we also need to open our subconscious mind to accept things that going to benefit us than shutting the door to our mind permanently. At the end we would be the losing ones because of our stubbornness to accept others. A wise person would always be open to accept things that comes around in life for the betterment of themselves. 


About Me

Hey, I'm just an ordinary dude but with enthusiasm that could potentially leads me to new highs in life. I'm embarking on a journey which may help me to discover new things that could add to my life journey.